How to Navigate through Life and Come Out Shining
O taste and see that the Lord is good. Blessed is the man who trusts in Him. Psalms 34:8 NKJV
Hear, my sons, the instruction of a father and pay attention to gain and to know intelligent discernment, comprehension, and interpretation [of spiritual matters]. Proverbs 4:1 AMPC

These are troubling times and require that we think before we speak or move forward in whatever we do. Skillful and godly wisdom is offered to us so that we can intelligently discern, comprehended, and interpret each situation that comes our way. We all will be tempted to go the easy way or to look for short cuts. However, they only lead to a dead end.

Keeping our ear to the heartbeat of the Father, and his instructions are what can save us from experiencing testing and trials full effect. God promises us a way of escape because they will come – it is a natural part of life. Staying focused on His lessons of insight will benefit us. We can learn from other people’s failures.  Examples of what not to do can teach us what to look out for.

Lady Wisdom Speaks and her instructions provide for us a road map to success. What is skillful and godly wisdom?  It is a comprehensive insight into the ways and purposes of God. We can apply this knowledge to life’s problems and issues that appear to be overwhelming. We have the inside scope and a God-given solution that will place us in a position of confidence and grace. We will wear a crown of beauty and glory as she puts the wreath of gracefulness on our heads.

Living for God’s glory gives us an advantage. He provides a comforting light during difficult times. When we can see ahead, then it makes it possible to continue on the right path to success. Why should we prize God’s instruction and wisdom? Prize Lady Wisdom because she will exalt you and promote you and bring you to honor when you embrace her. She will give you the grace and the beauty and the glory to shine brighter and more transparent until the light reaches full strength.

Dear Lord, Thank you for the wisdom instructions that you give us so that we can gain knowledge, discernment, and understanding of spiritual matters. We want to comprehend your ways and purpose for our lives. You said all that we have to do is taste and see that you are good as we trust you and take refuge in your instructions. 
Thank you again, Jesus!


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