Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley | Pleasant Hill Missionary Baptist 8o Year...

Goodness Rules!
He who shuts his ears to the cries of the poor will be ignored in his own time of need. Proverbs 21:13 TLB Lady Wisdom asks, “Why do you ignore the vulnerable and weak among you?”
Jesus Christ in his ministry on Earth specially came to change the conditions of the poor and needy. He wanted them to know that they do not have to be poor anymore. The Bible says that He, Jesus went around doing good. He even fed the people and looked out for their well-being. Ministry to the poor is part of the Christian calling. We are to not overlook the poor.
Something very troubling in our society is the disregard for the less fortunate. The spirit of greed seems to be rising in the places and institutions that were considered to be a support system for the needy. Churches, schools, hospitals, and government appear to be overtaken by individuals who only see them as ways to make money. It is abusive in nature. These institutions, which use to be people-focused, are now, profit-focused and seem to be driven by greed.
I believe that the cries of the poor are rising before the Lord. He is hearing petitions and is looking for those who are willing to do His will to stand up. He is looking for women with the spirit of Deborah and Esther in the land to declare justice. We see the rise of women in all these institutions, deciding to lead the way for a better community.
We all have to ask ourselves this question: Will we ignore the cries of the poor or will we take action and do our part of bringing healing to our children, youth, and families?”
Dear Lord,
Give us the voice and the strategies to bring about relief to the poor and under-served in our communities.

Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley | Pleasant Hill Missionary Baptist 8o Years Church Banquet|Lady Wisdom


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