
Showing posts from December, 2017
Proverbs 31 Woman Proverbs 31:10-31 describes what a woman who follows the ways of wisdom looks like. Her noble characteristics are demonstrated in her work ethic and her daily living. She starts off her day early in the morning reverencing and communing with God in prayer. Time is valuable to her. Her life is centered on the people who mean the most to her, her family but she also considers the needs of the community and her nation. Her husband and the other men look to her for resources of knowledge, business and good judgment. She is honored and appreciated for her wisdom and insight into the affairs of the poor and less fortunate. Her children bless her. This acknowledgement from her family implies that she is honest and trustworthy. Her children know that she is being authentic – her true self. Nora Conrad in her blog, Becoming a Proverbs 31 Woman states, “There are verses that mention how to be a good mother and wife, but preparing your heart for those things can
Discovering Nuggets of Wisdom for the New Year! “I want those already wise to become the wiser and become leaders by exploring the depths of meaning in these nuggets of truth.” Proverbs 1:5, 6 TLB Lady Wisdom asks, “How deeply are you thinking?” How do we move from a position of observer in life to leader? There has to be a change in our thinking. We have to move from the surface of things into a deeper, soul searching place in our spirit. We need to go to the secret place of the spirit where Lady Wisdom resides. There nuggets of truth can be found and interpreted to bring about meaningful action. A new year calls for new ideas and expressions of hope and faith. How we address the changes in our lives determine our success. Each action generates a reaction. My hope for this season in my journey and my desire is to encourage and uplift others. I declare that wisdom will be present in the words that I send out to the world. There is power in voice. Words carry power beca

Youtube Called to Create by Jordan Raynor Book Review

"For the reverence and fear (respect) of God are basic to all wisdom. Knowing God results in every other kind of understanding. I, Wisdom will make the hours of your life more fruitful. Wisdom is its own reward, and if you scorn her, you hurt only yourself." Proverbs 9:10-12, Living Bible Lady Wisdom asks, “Who do you respect?” As a society we need to get back to basics. Acknowledging that there is a God, sets our feet on a solid foundation for life. It will produce boundaries for our daily living. It is like having a constitution for our lives. We know the truth – God is. He is the “I Am.” Having this respect for God, helps us to respect his creation, the world and everything that is in it. I think because we know that there is someone bigger and greater than us, compels us to be accountable to that person. Believing in God causes us to live with integrity. We are not just living for ourselves but also to please God. Our parents play a role in our lives as bein