Trends of Loving Tribes: How to Handle Isolation
Are you a part of a tribe – a community of like-minded people? We all need to be connected with someone. We don't need to be in isolation. We are able through technology to also connect with others. However, I must say that there's nothing like actually physically touching one another and being together with one another. Being able to hug, hold, talk, and listen are satisfying. To do all of that, to be in community with one another using all of the senses is fulfilling. The book of Ruth speaks to what I am thinking about, and it's called tribes. Ruth found her people - her right tribe through her relationship with Naomi. Determined to follow Naomi, she returned to Bethlehem. Ruth became a part of a greater community of people in which she was able to establish the lineage of David, which revealed Jesus Christ. She had to say that "Your people will be my people and your God my God..." In western society, we love the idea of the individual. We almost worship the idea. God created each and every person unique, and there are a million ways to go about celebrating it. God loves every single individual so much that Jesus was willing to die for each of us. However, this obsession with individuality often comes with one very dangerous drawback – isolation. People feel isolated. You know it's so easy to get stuck at home by yourself on the computer and be in isolation. You're communicating with people who really don't know the real you. The commitment is not there unless you want it. You can follow someone's life without having to commit to sharing your own. However, in person, you get to see them, and you see their facial expressions. Their nuances can be seen. Their voice can be heard through the air at its original sound…without filters. You get to touch them. With the computer, you can see and hear, but you don't get the touch - the warmth and the essence of that person. Networking is important. It takes effort and determination to do it if one is prone to being alone. Having a tribe or finding one is part of the process of connecting and developing a relationship with groups of people. What is it that makes me a part of this body? We get to know them by connecting and networking in person. That's why God created a family. God gave us an instant tribe through our family members -an extended clan - our aunts, uncles, cousins, and other relatives. God wants us to be a part of something bigger. Together we can be more significant than ourselves we can be a part of something bigger. It’s essential to find your tribe to see people who you could connect with. I like God because he tells us to come together to be a part of a greater you. While I was reading about tribes, this thought settled inside of me that I too must continue to pursue my tribe. And I'm talking about being a part of something bigger than yourself. That together, we are greater much stronger than being by oneself. A tragic story is of a young man who sought to escape all the trappings of society. He wanted to live on his own in the remote wilderness of Alaska. He graduated from college and decided that he wanted to get away, not wanting to have to interact with civilization. He gave his savings away and ditched most of his possessions as he hitchhiked all the way to Alaska to live off the land. He found shelter in an abandoned bus for a while. Lived his dream of forging for plants hunting for food and merely enjoying living all on his own miles from civilization. He was at this point - the ultimate individual. However, after a while, he found himself trapped and too weak to hike back to civilization for help. His body was discovered by some hunters 9 weeks later. He starved to death. While out there living his individualistic dream, he realizes just how much he actually needed people in his life. Much of what we know about his journey comes from the journals he kept along the way. One entry near the end of his life simply reads "Happiness alone." Happiness, only when shared all alone out in Alaska wilderness, was incomplete. The pleasure he sought in being his own man on his own terms eluded him. True happiness and fulfillment come in the community. God has his own Community…the Son, the Holy Spirit, and all of the angels and heavenly host. God even has you and me as his family. He wants us to have community, and that's why He persuades us to come together on Sundays and other times to encourage one another. Discover creative ways to encourage others and to motivate them to an act of compassion by doing beautiful works as expressions of love. More and more, I realize that this is not the time to pull away and neglect meeting together as some have formed the habit of doing. In fact, we should come together even more frequently eager to encourage and urge each other. Encountering creative ways to inspire others will motivate us to be compassionate and kind. One way is by doing beautiful works as expressions of Love. We become better people when we are part of a community – an active member of a tribe.


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