Planning to Move Proactively Through Life

How to Have Daily Success with a Godly Focus

You know I think that the spirit of procrastination also causes anxiety and causes us to delay in completing whatever it is that we need to do. Sometimes delay causes us not to act. Life has its timing, and we've got to flow with the timing of life. It is easy to hit the snooze button, just oversleep or get up with no plans for the day. However, it's good to have certain things that you do each morning to get you going through the day. One of the crucial things is planning. It is a habit of thinking about what you want to complete for the day. Planning is key to success.

We can gain peace in our spirit by actively planning our day. We wouldn't be anxious or overwhelmed by life. You may ask, “How can this be done?” Well, I think one of the significant ways to overcome anxiety is through planning. When we plan, we can believe in advance. Planning our lives out, we can consult God about what we need to do through biblical meditation. We get His approval, and we understand His guidance.

I think that we are less anxious about life when we plan. That anxiety, a feeling of being overwhelmed, disappears because your life has some direction and purpose. In my book, Lady Wisdom Gives a Party, the devotional that I've been looking at today is “Productive Planner.” It states in Proverbs 31:15, “Before dawn, she prepares breakfast for her household and plans the day's work for her servant girls." Lady Wisdom asks, “When are you starting your day? What are your plans?”

I want to also speak to you about the daily time of meditating in the garden. Meditation in the garden is a way to hear from God and to focus our thoughts on what is most important. I have a quote here, “It says the garden is a delight to the eye and a solace for the soul.” by Saadi. Also, Mary Engelbreit says, “Bloom, where you're planted.” Well, the whole idea of getting solace from the garden is that you have to plan a garden. It doesn't just happen. Otherwise, it's a wilderness. It's a barren space.

I like the fact that Lady Wisdom in Proverbs speaks about the Proverbs 31 Woman or the radiant bride as being willing to create a garden by taking time to count the cost and buy some land. She sees a vineyard, and she purchases it. There is the process of calculating the cost. She figures out what needs to be done, and then she does it. All of that takes planning and some thought.

When we think about our lives, we start to organize and put order to our actions life becomes purposeful. It makes it easier to execute the plan and get things accomplished. It is an enjoyable feeling because we can see an end in sight. Many people start things, but then they don't finish. A sense of regret sets in. They begin to feel remorse and make statements like, “I wish I had… I could have done this…” So planning helps us to get to the end. I like what Stephen Covey says, “Begin with the end in mind.” I think that that is the key. Life has a destination, and that destination helps us to make daily decisions.

Have you ever heard the saying, “Bloom where you're planted”? It has become a mantra of mine. When we look at a piece of land, it may not be perfect and will need some work. But the question is, “Do you see the potential in that plot of land? Do you have a vision?” The Bible says, “Without a vision, the people perish.” Many people are perishing because they cannot see the vision or the purpose of their lives. Another critical question is, "Why am I here on the planet?”That is the question that I think many of us are searching out. It's not a one-time process or an individual assessment. However, it requires our continual need for observation. It's something that we need to do daily.

Each day has its own challenges. If we don't stop to observe, think about what that purpose is, then we're going to lose out on the blessing for that day. If we stay focus and plan it out step by step, then we will be rewarded with success. When I list at least three things that I want to get done for the day, and I accomplished them, I get a sense of fulfillment. I know that my day was not wasted. Those three things are going to lead me to a bigger goal being accomplished. Therefore, it is essential to plan because a reward is waiting for you. Amen


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