August 27th Blessing
The Gift of Good, Godly Instructions
Lady Wisdom says, “Closely follow my instructions.” Proverbs 3 1 TLB

There is nothing better than proper instructions given at the right time. Having a thankful heart makes us receptive to new information. When we enter into a learning environment, a spirit of gratitude helps us to receive the goodness that is being dispensed to us – the virtue of instructions.

Have you ever received a kit or a piece of furniture that you had to put together, but it came with no instructions? How did you feel? Well, the first time that happened to me, I felt betrayed by the manufacturer. It did not make sense to me why he would send me the package without telling me how to put the furniture together. I have also received instructions that give a picture with no words to clarify what the images were representing. I found that both situations left me very frustrated and ready to send the purchased item back to the company.

Listening to instructions from an incompetent teacher can be frustrating too. If the person is not clear and knowledgeable about the topic, then it could be challenging to learn and also be successful with the assignment. It is almost as if you have to read their minds to be able to grasp the instructions. However, a great teacher makes learning fun and easy to follow. 

Sometimes we get in the way of the instructor by not paying attention to what is being said. Listening to instructions requires humility. A humble person can put aside their own opinion and listen to another person intently even if it may require asking guided questions along the way. Humility takes listening skills and the ability to discern the situation. Stop, look, and listen. What can I gain from this person and experience? What is God trying to teach me?

God has given us instructions through the Holy Spirit. He has also provided instructions through his word in the Bible. He has given us the 5 fold ministry of apostles, prophets, pastors, teacher and evangelists who can inform us as to what God want to do in our lives. Being humble and listening is what is needed to move forward with the instructions. Humility helps us to recognize our neighbor and also respect the ones who are in authority over us like our parents, boss, or spiritual leader.

When we can put our own thinking aside and receive instruction then are we considered teachable. Proverbs remind us to be just that. “Teach a wise man, and he will be wiser; teach a good man, and he will learn more, Proverbs 9:9 TLB.” We have to be able to put aside our own knowledge and accept that person’s experience. It is about accepting what the person has to say and then the ultimate next step is to apply that knowledge,

I like the sound of these words “Applied Knowledge.” It is good to have the knowledge, and there is a lot of it going around especially on the internet with Mr. Google. However, having knowledge that you can apply or place into action is a beautiful experience. It is very satisfying to complete something and have a perfect end result. We are blessed because we heard the instructions, followed it, and now are reaping the benefits. Amen


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