Proverbs 31 Woman the Bride of Christ
We can build a Community like a great vineyard!
We can build a community by improving families. First, we must fortify ourselves. As we strengthen ourselves by prayer, worship, and studying the book of Proverbs, we can make profitable decisions. These sensible choices will, in turn, move communities forward. In Proverbs 31:16, "She considers a field, and buys it with the fruit of her hands she plants a vineyard."

We can learn from the word of God. One major thing about Proverbs is each verse has so much meaning. We can dig into the word of God through Proverbs and find out what God has to say to us from just one little verse. One of the things that we've been working on is biblical meditation. In the book, Reclaiming the Lost Art of Biblical Meditation: Find True Peace in Jesus by Robert J Morgan, provides quick tips and strategies on how to meditate the word of God. Biblical meditation, you may be wondering, “What is it? How do I find out information from God? How do I learn about God?”
Biblical meditation affords 3 steps, ponder, personalize, and practice, according to Robert J. Morgan. However, in addition to these 3, we include prayer and praise. The word of God can be read and pondered by looking at the word in the context of the period it was written, observing each word and looking up the meanings of the keywords on the verse and also comparing the poem with the verses preceding it and after. Personalizing the scripture helps us to make the word relevant to our lives today. It is making the verse your own. You can ask the question, “How does it fit into my everyday life?” Knowing something but not using it to enhance your life is not practical. By practicing whatever wisdom suggests will only boost the possibility for greater success.

I believe that when we follow the whole process and couple it with praise and thanksgiving through prayer, recognizing God, we will see a substantial increase of joy and abundance. We can walk through our day thanking him for speaking to us and informing us of what is ahead. He will continue to reveal to us new and exciting mysteries.

Reading through Proverbs 31, we have discovered different themes that can give us guidance on how to build community. With a closer look at relationships between the husband and wife, children, workers in business, moral and ethical advocacy, and spiritual guidance, we can see how the Proverbs 31 Woman is actively engaged in her community and the transformation of the culture.

Some of the major themes found in Proverbs 31 are the importance of speech - to speak wisely to others, how to manage the family, how to raise our children, how to support our marriages. We’ve learned entrepreneurship - how to be a good leader in business. Kindness and other character issues like how to interact with other people by being kind and generous to the poor. It talked about integrity. Civil justice and advocating for the poor and underserved. We can also find instruction on how the wealthy should handle their wealth. The idea of planting a garden or vineyard is mentioned which suggest planning for the future.

Most importantly, we are shown the first and foremost thing that we need to do is to reverence God. Know that He exists and He rewards us according to our obedience to his plans and purpose. In other words, we can go our way, or we can choose to do life with Him. As the Bride of Christ, His Church, the Proverbs 31 woman demonstrates and gives us insight on how to develop a covenant relationship - a great marriage with our Bridegroom, Jesus Christ.


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