Have Faith in God
I have come to the conclusion that we all have faith. These questions came to mind as I thought of the awesome love of God toward us. He has given us a personal relationship with Him in which we can exercise our love for Him through the demonstration of our faith.

So who or what will you have confidence in?
I declare that we will have faith in God.
Why put your faith in God?
Without faith, it is impossible to please God.
Who is God?
He is the rewarder of them that seek Him.
What has He promised you?
His word the Bible lists the promises that He has provided for us.
Is His word reliable?
The champions of faith in Hebrews 11, let us know that His word is trustworthy.

You are a testimony of God’s Goodness!
If the Lord has answered a prayer for you in this area, then I want you to stand up as a testimony of God’s goodness and your faith in God.

Does His word have a good track record with you and others as a Healer?
Have you needed a financial breakthrough and the Lord made away, and He was a Provider?
Has God protected you from harm or dangerous situations, showing Himself as a Protector?
Are you blessed and at peace because God made it possible by being your Way Maker?
Are there any witnesses of His Goodness?

If you can testify to any other these demonstrations of God’s love to you, then I know that you have faith in God. A conviction will cause you to be thankful. It is a force that brings God’s love to us if we believe.

Therefore, I declare, “ We have faith in God!”


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