Are you keeping an eye on your household?: Watch Carefully!

"She watches carefully all that goes on throughout her household, and is never lazy."
 Proverbs 31:27 Living Bible

Lady Wisdom asks, “Are you keeping an eye on your household?”

Watch carefully! These two words are speaking to me! I think that we do not pay attention to things that happen in our lives and we become complacent and lazy. Then we find ourselves in a big hole and wonder, “How did we get here?” Paying attention to our household to me is not just looking at what is happening in our physical houses but what is happening in our physical body or life that God has given us. We are the temple of the living God. We need to make sure that we are feeding and caring for ourselves in all areas of our lives, body, mind, soul and spirit. We cannot get lazy!

Still, we need to be watch carefully and be cognizant of what is happening in our families. We should be also looking at the systems and routines in our household. Are they efficient and effective? Looking at ways to improve the process and the living conditions of our household takes courage and takes energy!

 Watching carefully at what is happening in our communities is imperative. We need to be thinking of the next steps of moving our children and all who we influence in the right direction. It is vital to look at our communities as extensions of our households. Our children and loved ones have to enter into the community. If the community is filled with violence and lack then our children will not be safe. We cannot be “lazy” and sit back and expect others to look out for our household. We have to make sure we equip our children and others to succeed.

Blessed by the Family

 "Her children stand and bless her; so does her husband. He praises her with these words: There are many fine women in the world but you are the best of them all!" Proverbs 31:28 and 29 Living Bible

Lady Wisdom asks, “Do you have the respect of your children and husband?”

The Proverbs 31 Woman earned the respect of her household, the people she loved. To receive the praises of your children and husband is the most humbling experience that any woman can acquire. There is a satisfaction, a sense of accomplishment and peace when this happens. You feel fulfilled!

Many women long to be loved deeply by their family. The way to make this happen is to follow the ways of Lady Wisdom and let her direct your path to a complete, balanced and successful life. Seeking the Lord is the first step. Trying to discover who you are without asking the one who created you is a waste of time. Your creator God will reveal to you what needs to be restored and how to make it happen.


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