Proverbs: manual for living and loving well

Lady Wisdom Teach Us How to Act

“He wrote them to teach his people how to live- how to act in every circumstance, for he wanted them to be understanding, just and fair in everything they did.” Proverbs 1:2, Living Bible

Lady Wisdom asks, “How do you react to life?”

Many people are wondering how to act concerning different situations in their lives. We are confronted with these choices. Do I make a left turn or a right? What will I encounter along the way? King Solomon of Israel wrote the Proverbs to help his people to live and act wisely in different situations. He wanted them to be kind, just and fair in their dealings with each other. He wanted those in his kingdom that were wise to be wiser and help lead the country. I think that you would agree that we need some wise people in our country today. Some of the decisions that have been made have not benefited everyone nor helped us to prosper as a nation.

I believe that women can make a difference in their communities. Women can be the leaders of different issues that confront our families, relationships and work place. If we apply wise principles to our decision making then our end result should be successful. If we are understanding, just, and fair in what we do, it should leave a positive impact on education, health/wellness, financial stability, and relationships. Lady Wisdom can teach us how to act and how to bring about a successful end by following and "exploring the depth of meaning in these nuggets of truth". (Proverbs 1:6, Living Bible) The question to ask is: How will we apply what we have discovered to make a difference in our lives and the lives of others?

Reverence the Lord
“How does a man become wise? The first step is to trust and reverence the Lord!” Proverbs 1:7, Living Bible

Lady Wisdom asks, “Do you know how to become wise?”

How does a woman become wise? As I look at the snow falling down here in the northeast, I am amazed at the beauty of the snow. It appears so perfect and soothing to the eye. Everything is covered like frosting on a tasty coconut layered cake. Just considering the timing of the seasons and knowing that spring will be here in a couple of months, I am thankful for this change. Who is in control of all of this? Why did he/she decide to make it appear this way? How do I connect with the rhythms of the movement and changes of the seasons in the natural so as to learn from them in my spiritual journey?

I ask the question again," How does a woman become wise?" You tell us Lady Wisdom to trust and reverence the Lord and be willing to be taught. (Proverbs1:7-9) I think that we can learn from nature and learn from each other. We can look at the lives of others and determine if we want to go in the same direction or follow another path. We can also look at nature and see what works and what does not. For example, there is night and day. In the day time, we need to work and do what needs to be done. At night, we need to rest and sleep. Sleep is important to our bodies recovery from the day's work. Just following the medical shows, the doctors are always commenting on how it is important for us to get enough rest and sleep so that our bodies can function well.

There is a lot of information all around us. How do we know which one to listen to and to learn from? It takes wisdom. I think that there is a small voice inside of us that can guide us if we are willing to trust and reverence it. Is it Lady Wisdom speaking? The more we pay attention to the voice inside, the more we will know about ourselves. We will be able to measure it to the knowledge we have gained from Lady Wisdom. Sometimes the voice inside can be our selfish desires that want to satisfy our own ego. How do we find that balance? I love me! Yet I do not want to spoil me. I want to be balanced and stable in my ways.


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